Susie Collins
Registered NurseRN
Having been a Registered Nurse for over two decades, Susie’s nursing experience is vast. She has 13-years’ worth of experience as an emergency nurse, has a special interest in triage, and is skilled at caring for acutely unwell people be they adult, paediatric, or resus/trauma patients. Originally from Hawkes' Bay, Susie completed her nurse training in Sydney, Australia and her career has seen her working frontline and lead nurse roles in London as well as here in Aotearoa. She has genuine empathy for families entering an ED; she herself is a mum of three and her youngest has a severe congenital heart defect. Susie has a special interest in working with children and was seconded to a Kids Assessment Unit during the initial outbreak of COVID-19 for her ED/peads experience. Susie is excited to work with Emergency Consult – she sees it as an alternative way to care for and empower people to receive medical care, as well as a means of supporting emergency departments. Susie enjoys sewing, quilting, baking, walking, and growing her own vegetables – and spending time with her husband and children.